Make a payment via PayPal by utilizing the email address provided below. Please note that a surcharge of 3.5% will be applied to the total amount for all transactions made through PayPal.
PayPal email:
Ensure that the checks are sent out at least 2 to 3 weeks before the scheduled date of the service or event.
Please make the check payable to:ย
Party Services Inc.
Mailing Address:
1202 Avenue N, 1st Floor
Brooklyn NY 11230
By submitting this online payment form, you are authorizing the merchant Party Services Inc. and to use this payment information to pay all unpaid orders, services or products requested by you or for the business you represent offered by this website to enclose all your unpaid invoices, balance due and for all future orders in person or by phone.
You have question about our product or service, feel free to contact us with this form and expect of our response within few hours or sooner.